for my share中文什么意思

发音:   用"for my share"造句
  • my:    pron. 1.〔I 的所有格〕我的 ...
  • share:    n. 犁头;犁铧;(播种机等的)刃 ...
  • my fair share:    完美的爱
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  1. If the governor is willing, i'll come in for my share of the campaign fund .
  2. I insist that we go dutch . you shouldn ' t have to pay for my share
  3. If there ' s a buyer for my share of the business , i ' d like to cash in my chips
  4. " i thank you for my share of the favour , " said elizabeth ; " but i do not particularly like your way of getting husbands .
    伊丽莎白连忙说: “谢谢你的关怀,可惜你这种找丈夫的方式,我不太欣赏。 ”
  5. Well , within a week i am to deposit four millions for my share ; the four millions , i promise you , will produce ten or twelve .
    嗯,在一星期之内,必须买进四百万股票,这四百万,我答应给你一分或一分二的利息。 ”


  1. for my lovely wife 什么意思
  2. for my name was elisa day 什么意思
  3. for my part 什么意思
  4. for my people 什么意思
  5. for my pride and my promise 什么意思
  6. for necklaces and rings 什么意思
  7. for new socialism 什么意思
  8. for nightly news to replay 什么意思
  9. for nitrogen examination apparatus 什么意思
  10. for no one 什么意思


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